Explore the ways in which mindfuless and movement can help us connect, grow and thrive. Campers will explore sensory experinces designed to stimulate creativity and calm the mind. Growth mindset activities, nature walks, guided meditation, and creative outlets like art and music promomte self-awareness and wellness, while yoga, pilates and swimming bring intenitonal movement each day. Through a fun and holistic approach, campers will discover new ways to connect with themselves and the world around them.
2025 Camp dates
July 14-18
August 5-8*
*No Camps on August 4 (Heritage Day).
$304* (4-day camp August 5-8)
This camp participates in climbing wall time on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for an hour.
Your camper will love this camp if they dream of being:
A yoga instructor
A zen master
A teacher
Register Now
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